
Po Pin Chau

Po Pin Chau  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 157,574     (Last Updated︰2020-10-21)
 Map 「Po Pin Chau」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :

(return at East Dam)
Path :
Length : 12.5km
Time : 7hours
Ascent : 682m  Descent : 733m  Max : 134m  Min : 0m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 682mDescent : 733m
Max : 134mMin : 0m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 40%
Road 50%
Gravel 10%
Slope :
Ascent 682m (48%)
Descent 733m (52%)
Sunlight :
Climb :
Start Point :
Support :
  Pak Lap Wan Store
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


The starting point is High Island Reservoir East Dam.
The starting point is High Island Reservoir East Dam.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
14︰First, going in the direction of Po Pin Chau, can see Kim Chu Wan from a high place through a little dense forest.
At that moment, come to a bare flat land, which is also a major bifurcation.
At that moment, come to a bare flat land, which is also a major bifurcation.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
18︰Just moving two more steps, it is the best location to shoot Po Pin Chau, which is a spectacle.
Just moving two more steps, it is the best location to shoot Po Pin Chau, which is a spectacle.
Just moving two more steps, it is the best location to shoot Po Pin Chau, which is a spectacle.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
When reaching the top of the mountain, will see piles of artificially stacked stone pillars. The range is very spectacular.
When reaching the top of the mountain, will see piles of artificially stacked stone pillars. The range is very spectacular.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
The entire rocky beach is a round pebble.
The entire rocky beach is a round pebble.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
Walk straight along the barbed wire to the end
Walk straight along the barbed wire to the end


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Po Pin Chau】Hiking Route Map

西米露 :
從東壩前住破邊洲的山徑已完成了修葺工程,全程大部分是石級,非常易行。 (2022-01-01)
謝謝資訊!😄 (Tim Sir 2022-01-01)
klfrank930 :
Tim sir 新年快樂~
破邊洲實在太靚, 每年都要黎一次~
好靚!好靚!好靚!😍 (Tim Sir 2022-01-01)
Louise :Tim Sir 你好!
小心一點就得,真是好大風就不要企太出便可。 (Tim Sir 2021-06-08)
天天 :請問由破邊洲到白臘的山路難行嗎? 路徑容易找嗎? (2021-04-20)
方向只得一個,但後期多支路,詳細可看內文。 (Tim Sir 2021-04-20)
TW :謝謝分享,如果先到白臘行到東壩難度相同嗎? (2021-02-17)
反向行,路較難睇。 (Tim Sir 2021-02-17)
Winnie :
呢度半年我造訪了三次,但你的網誌我半年造訪了無數次,全因喜愛,多謝Tim sir🙏😍 (2020-11-24)
縱使我要去的地方排山倒海,破邊洲也必然每年一遊!是的,因為喜愛! (Tim Sir 2020-11-24)
Leo Ng :上星期五20.11.2020路過見圖三條樓梯整好。 (2020-11-23)
收到,謝謝回報資料。 (Tim Sir 2020-11-23)
GG :師兄你好,自已揸車去,在那兒可以停車?行前白臘再行回東壩需時多少?謝謝! (2020-05-24)
只可北潭涌停車,然後搭的士入去。白臘灣與東壩相距2.7公里,約1時內行完。 (Tim Sir 2020-05-24)
Tam :七重石灘至白臘村一段很易迷路,尤其常把牛路當做山徑,如何分辨?行左三次既然要迷路半小時才能破林至白臘村。白臘村前草地被圍封, 被爛泥地包圍, 每次行都要踩入泥中,如何避開這一段? (2020-01-23)
當見到白臘仔時,向前行唔好向上行,這裏有一些分叉路是往上的,不要行錯。遇到有牛路當路,不用理會,照過。白臘村草地已封多年,繞過鐵絲網走是唯一一條路,唔想踩泥就綑上少少。 (Tim Sir 2020-01-25)
Chris Lee :你好,師兄,想查詢在西貢市坐的士入東霸是在那裏可搵到入禁區的士?
全部的士都可入東霸, 通常新界的士不會拒載。
(Tim Sir 2018-06-30)

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Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Romans 12:9