
Tip Shek Teng Fa Long Ancient Trail

Tip Shek Teng Fa Long Ancient Trail  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Tip Shek Teng Fa Long Ancient Trail」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 6.9km
Estimate : 4½hours
Ascent : 293m  Descent : 280m  Max : 251m  Min : 0m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 293mDescent : 280m
Max : 251mMin : 0m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 30%
Road 20%
Gravel 50%
Slope :
Ascent 293m (51%)
Descent 280m (49%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Taxi 
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13︰pay attention to the obvious barren trail within 50 meters to the right.
The starting point is near Castle Peak Bay Fishermen's Cemetery. You can take the K52 bus at Tuen Mun Station and get off at EcoPark Station.
The starting point is near Castle Peak Bay Fishermen's Cemetery. You can take the K52 bus at Tuen Mun Station and get off at EcoPark Station.


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25︰they will join together soon.
That is the barren trail to climb Tip Shek Teng, there are ribbons tied at the intersection, and the road embryo is very clear.
That is the barren trail to climb Tip Shek Teng, there are ribbons tied at the intersection, and the road embryo is very clear.


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31︰Not far ahead, will see Puppy Rock,
From the beginning, there are a lot of strangely shaped rocks.
From the beginning, there are a lot of strangely shaped rocks.


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41︰The first set is Giraffe Rock, which personally think is more like a Sea Lion Rock.
Focus on the two sets of stacked rocks on the mountain.
Focus on the two sets of stacked rocks on the mountain.


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53︰Next, climb to the hill with your path
The sense of direction is very important in Castle Peak Hinterland, must be clear to know the planning route going to take. The right back is Castle Peak, and the road on the right is towards Shek Kwu Shan.
The sense of direction is very important in Castle Peak Hinterland, must be clear to know the planning route going to take. The right back is Castle Peak, and the road on the right is towards Shek Kwu Shan.


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63︰When coming to the next fork, do not go straight to Fa Heung Lo Teng. The road on the right-hand side is Fa Long Ancient Trail.
Keep walking along the floating sand and gravel,
Keep walking along the floating sand and gravel,


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73︰and keep climbing forward, will see the Bread Rock.
Next, stay with the ribbon
Next, stay with the ribbon


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77︰At the bifurcation, keep to the left and return to the trench just passed.
At the bifurcation, keep to the left and return to the trench just passed.
At the bifurcation, keep to the left and return to the trench just passed.


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Just keep left to leave.
Just keep left to leave.


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 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Tip Shek Teng Fa Long Ancient Trail】Hong Kong Hiking Map

RingoPC :Tim sir 您好,此地果然支路甚多。在往大冷溪尋麵包石,多得你的離線地圖才不致迷路。有些技術問題想請教你,在青山腹地裏遇上電話上網網絡中斷,先前下載的離線地圖突然消失。因為無網絡,想重生下載亦不成功,要直到走回有訊號範圍才可下載。請問有否方法可以在無網絡情況下保持離線地圖?是否要在電話中設定什麼? (2022-10-14)
後備方案是下載GPX,用坊間的離線地圖APPS打開,但就沒有相片沒有描述,有線跟點都好過乜都冇。 (Tim Sir 2022-10-14)
samkitty :
今日去咗行,果然難行,幸好Tim Sir已講過,專登帶了行山杖,今日超熱,用多咗時間,下晏遇上雷暴,唯有改變路線,原路折返,原先打算過咗疊石頂右轉經石鼓山再上青山嘅,因天氣不佳,係石鼓山回頭行另外一條荒徑上返疊石,呢條路嘅路況爛到不磡,非常多炮彈和子彈殘骸,嗰陣時雷聲有幾陣,上回疊石後馬上火速落山,回程時係舊車路遇到野狗,本人怕狗,幸好只是吠叫,沒有追過來,我和朋友慢步離開😅 (2021-09-22)
做得好!有雷雨雲,甚至聽到有雷聲,在空曠地方就必須要及早撤退。因撤退需時,雷雨雲是會快過你的。 (Tim Sir 2021-09-22)
samkitty :TIM SIR, 想問下你去青山灣漁民墳場前嘅路多唔多狗?
當日沒有 (Tim Sir 2021-09-20)
S.on Mak :的士能否直接去到入山的起點?墳場內石屎路有沒有限制? (2021-06-04)
有大閘的,要在山腳起步。 (Tim Sir 2021-06-04)
流浪戰士 :請問這路段是否屬於練靶區域? (2021-03-02)
真正練靶區域是上白泥、青蝶脊那邊,上白泥是重要練靶區,青蝶脊少一點,其他地方都有機會,例如︰每年軍演。風險需自行評估,聽到炮火聲即撤,不要博。 (Tim Sir 2021-03-02)

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