
The God Track Rock Journey

The God Track Rock Journey  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「The God Track Rock Journey」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 9.6km
Estimate : 5hours
Ascent : 415m  Descent : 416m  Max : 379m  Min : 5m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 415mDescent : 416m
Max : 379mMin : 5m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 55%
Road 20%
Jungle 10%
Gravel 15%
Slope :
Ascent 415m (50%)
Descent 416m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
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7︰until reaching the entrance of the mountain trail.
The starting point is near Tai Tong Wong Nai Tun Tsuen. You can take the MTR bus K66 and get off at the terminus.
The starting point is near Tai Tong Wong Nai Tun Tsuen. You can take the MTR bus K66 and get off at the terminus.


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19︰While crossing the Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Main Dam,
While crossing the Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Main Dam,
While crossing the Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Main Dam,


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33︰Look carefully for the narrow barren trail on the right,
Along the way, hikers can find the Peregrine Falcon Rock on the right-hand side's mountainside.
Along the way, hikers can find the Peregrine Falcon Rock on the right-hand side's mountainside.


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49︰no more bifurcation until reaching the top.
Turn left and continue,
Turn left and continue,


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When coming to a collapsed facility,
When coming to a collapsed facility,


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74︰and has a bigger platform.
Giant Boot Rock is at the bottom right of Teapot Cover Rock.
Giant Boot Rock is at the bottom right of Teapot Cover Rock.


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A few minutes later, pay attention to the ribbon on the left.
A few minutes later, pay attention to the ribbon on the left.


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The position of the Whale's Mouth is actually The World's Chair,
The position of the Whale's Mouth is actually The World's Chair,


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There is a barren trail along the road, just like The Pipe.
There is a barren trail along the road, just like The Pipe.


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After passing through the tunnel,
After passing through the tunnel,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【The God Track Rock Journey】Hong Kong Hiking Map

crystal126 :
昨日去行這條路線,初段到遊隼石問題不大,去到落神鵰石的時,路比較窄和斜。而由於少人行的關係,落山路段近大石坡板附近就比較密草,不過都看到路胚。總括而言,這條路線只能順走,不能逆走。 (2023-10-16)
我上落都試過,向上行會易一點,向下行便要曾經去過會好點,否則很難確定遊隼石位置。 (Tim Sir 2023-10-16)
Nire :
Tim sir, 想請教下, 圖38往42, 由遊隼石接回神仙轍, 又上又落咁, 在我的地圖上看是沒有虛線山路的. 請問小徑清晰嗎? 因為山區有時訊號微弱, 未必可load回頁面及路線的! (2022-11-25)
在山谷,知道方向見路就行落去,有明顯路胚。建議下載定GPX,必要時用其他離線地圖APPS頂住先。 (Tim Sir 2022-11-25)
Janice Chan :想請問一下, 如在洪水坑水塘起步, 逆走這條路線會否容易一些? (2021-12-01)
逆走是否容易,看等高線便略知一二。但這些高難度路線,逆走不是不行,建議先行一次順走,你便知可否逆走了,這跟個人能力有關,只是你問得,就一定不建議。 (Tim Sir 2021-12-01)
Simon Suen :
圖102落到底轉右行,否則會再入深山,丹桂坑絕美。 (2021-11-22)
對呀!不要盲衝落丹桂坑,要跟着明顯山徑行。 (Tim Sir 2021-11-23)
Simon Suen :
圖79掛滿絲帶 (2021-11-22)
有時見到如聖誕樹般的情況,都會幫手拆一些,但切勿全拆,留返三四條,足夠辨別路口便可。 (Tim Sir 2021-11-23)

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 Thanks a lot! Hope our hiking information is helpful to you. Everyone is happy to go hiking and safely!
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約翰福音 3:16