
Tai Po Kau to Shatin (via Forest Track)

Tai Po Kau to Shatin (via Forest Track)  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Tai Po Kau to Shatin (via Forest Track)」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 12.5km
Estimate : 3½hours
Ascent : 533m  Descent : 583m  Max : 494m  Min : 10m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 533mDescent : 583m
Max : 494mMin : 10m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 10%
Stairs 10%
Road 80%
Slope :
Ascent 533m (48%)
Descent 583m (52%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
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First, take a bus
First, take a bus


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19︰at the next fork,
All the way is along the Tai Po Kau Forest Track Kau Lead Section.
All the way is along the Tai Po Kau Forest Track Kau Lead Section.


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29︰There are also many forks,
After about 15 minutes again,
After about 15 minutes again,


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The location of the stream is Ta Tit Yan Hang Left Stream,
The location of the stream is Ta Tit Yan Hang Left Stream,


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49︰There are many signs along the way,
However, this route is going straight to Needle Hill,
However, this route is going straight to Needle Hill,


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58︰there is a big archway on the left that points to Shatin Town.
Inadvertently, connected to the MacLehose Trail,
Inadvertently, connected to the MacLehose Trail,


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66︰The scenery along the way down is very good,
This section of the trail was repaired by the Shatin Council.
This section of the trail was repaired by the Shatin Council.


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The step section is very long, and it can be regarded as an infinite step.
The step section is very long, and it can be regarded as an infinite step.


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Hikers will first pass through the Lutheran Seminary,
Hikers will first pass through the Lutheran Seminary,


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TimHiking【Tai Po Kau to Shatin (via Forest Track)】Hong Kong Hiking Map

Flo Flo :多謝Tim Sir 提供路線。今日天氣炎熱,所以揀咗呢條路線,大約行到圖32位置,有五、六隻野狗在唞涼,為免唔打擾佢哋休息,我選擇咗折返行上荔枝山跟住落大埔墟火車站。由於怕驚動狗狗,忘記咗影相,怕狗人士要留意。 (2024-08-11)
近排D狗好似比以前惡!小心! (Tim Sir 2024-08-11)

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