
Shek Lung Kung
Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail(First Half) (2021 Outdated)

Shek Lung Kung, Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail(First Half) (2021 Outdated)  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 138,972     (Last Updated︰2021-11-05)
 Map 「Shek Lung Kung, Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail(First Half) (2021 Outdated)」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 9.7km
Time : 3hours
Ascent : 662m  Descent : 700m  Max : 412m  Min : 11m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 662mDescent : 700m
Max : 412mMin : 11m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 80%
Stairs 10%
Road 10%
Slope :
Ascent 662m (49%)
Descent 700m (51%)
Sunlight :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


7︰Birdwood's Mucuna is unforgettable, and may not see it when the time is up.
The starting point is near Adventist Hospital. Hikers can take a minibus or bus and get off at Adventist Hospital, and then go uphill.
The starting point is near Adventist Hospital. Hikers can take a minibus or bus and get off at Adventist Hospital, and then go uphill.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
10︰Come to a Hao Wa Shan trail with open scenery
The first 3km are all slight uphill slopes, sometimes are sloping roads, and sometimes are stairs, which are all easy to walk.
The first 3km are all slight uphill slopes, sometimes are sloping roads, and sometimes are stairs, which are all easy to walk.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
After taking a photo break, follow the Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail towards Tin Fu Tsai.
After taking a photo break, follow the Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail towards Tin Fu Tsai.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
After playing, return to Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail, can turn back 3km on the original road back to Adventist Hospital. This time will go along the Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail and take another 7km to Sham Tseng to leave.
After playing, return to Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail, can turn back 3km on the original road back to Adventist Hospital. This time will go along the Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail and take another 7km to Sham Tseng to leave.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
After walking for a while, come to the entrance to Tin Fu Tsai Campsite. Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail is the only way to go up with a sign. This section is mostly down steps, which is very easy to walk.
After walking for a while, come to the entrance to Tin Fu Tsai Campsite. Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail is the only way to go up with a sign. This section is mostly down steps, which is very easy to walk.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
Beginning and last downhill section
Beginning and last downhill section


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Shek Lung Kung . Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail(First Half) (2021 Outdated)】Hiking Route Map

ConnieT :請問此路線逆走可以嗎?
逆走落山就變了落梯級 (Tim Sir 2022-04-20)
Jose :多謝TimSir, 好介紹!! 🤠🤠
路線清晰易明, 每次都好放心跟住行,
ENJOY! 一起行山闖蕩去!能夠讓大眾好放心地開心上山,安全落山,是我的願望。😍 (Tim Sir 2022-03-21)
winfredchan :
Tim 哥好介紹!
差不多尾聲了😊 (Tim Sir 2021-03-17)

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Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?

Job 28:20