
Tsing Tip Ridge
Castle Peak Hinterland

Tsing Tip Ridge, Castle Peak Hinterland  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 64,257     (Last Updated︰2020-04-24)
 Map 「Tsing Tip Ridge, Castle Peak Hinterland」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 9.3km
Estimate : 7hours
Ascent : 769m  Descent : 764m  Max : 561m  Min : 0m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 769mDescent : 764m
Max : 561mMin : 0m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 40%
Road 10%
Gravel 50%
Slope :
Ascent 769m (50%)
Descent 764m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Taxi 
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After getting off, look towards Castle Peak.
After getting off, look towards Castle Peak.


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When encountering a bifurcated road, keep to the right.
When encountering a bifurcated road, keep to the right.


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There are many big rocks near Castle Peak, Vice Peak,
There are many big rocks near Castle Peak, Vice Peak,


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Behind the hazard warning sign on the left, there is a trail downhill.
Behind the hazard warning sign on the left, there is a trail downhill.


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Break Rock is right in front of the stream.
Break Rock is right in front of the stream.


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This section of the mountain trail is severely weathered
This section of the mountain trail is severely weathered


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Tsing Tip Ridge . Castle Peak Hinterland】Hong Kong Hiking Map

Michaelmak :

其實時間不同,車流量都不同。總之,大家小心橫過馬路便可,新入口其實不止一個。 (Tim Sir 2021-04-12)
Yakman :屯門-赤立角隧道通車之後,現在龍門路附近的入口位置情況如何? 是否比以往更難走過馬路? (2021-03-03)
還可以過,小心一點就得。 (Tim Sir 2021-03-03)
Mic :Tim sir, 有無機會行下青大石㵎?謝謝 (2020-10-20)
有的,石澗每年都會寫,只要能合法進入就冇問題。水務署稱:「根據《水務設施條例》第30(2)(a)條,任何人進入構成水務設施部分的水中或在其中浸洗或沖洗,即屬犯法,最高可處第五級罰款(即港幣五萬元)及監禁兩年。水務設施包括集水區。行山人士在集水區遠足而無上述行為並不觸犯有關條例。」 (Tim Sir 2020-10-20)
兩口子 :想請教 : 青蝶脊山路入口鐵閘冇鎖直接打開佢?thanks (2020-10-14)
是,打開完順手關上。 (Tim Sir 2020-10-14)

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 Thanks a lot! Hope our hiking information is helpful to you. Everyone is happy to go hiking and safely!
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