
West Buffalo Hill
Buffalo Hill
West Buffalo Stone City

 West Buffalo Hill, Buffalo Hill, West Buffalo Stone City  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「West Buffalo Hill, Buffalo Hill, West Buffalo Stone City」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :

(Skip Stone City)
Path :
Length : 6.8km
Estimate : 4hours
Ascent : 582m  Descent : 600m  Max : 591m  Min : 9m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 582mDescent : 600m
Max : 591mMin : 9m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 50%
Stairs 20%
Road 15%
Jungle 10%
Gravel 5%
Slope :
Ascent 582m (49%)
Descent 600m (51%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
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9︰pay attention to the road up the hill on the left-hand side, which also has a road sign.
Starting at Wong Nai Tau in Siu Lek Yuen, can take KMB 83K at Shatin Station or City One Station; or take 83X at Tate's Cairn Tunnel interchange and get off at Wong Nai Tau bus terminal. The transport is very convenient. Actually, there are other buses and minibuses.
Starting at Wong Nai Tau in Siu Lek Yuen, can take KMB 83K at Shatin Station or City One Station; or take 83X at Tate's Cairn Tunnel interchange and get off at Wong Nai Tau bus terminal. The transport is very convenient. Actually, there are other buses and minibuses.


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20︰go straight to Shek Nga Pui,
The mountain trail is similar to the ancient trail-style, with big stone steps,
The mountain trail is similar to the ancient trail-style, with big stone steps,


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28︰It only took about 10 minutes to walk. Looking back, the scenery is very wide that the whole Shatin has a panoramic view.
It only took about 10 minutes to walk. Looking back, the scenery is very wide that the whole Shatin has a panoramic view.
It only took about 10 minutes to walk. Looking back, the scenery is very wide that the whole Shatin has a panoramic view.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
45︰approach the huge rock,
Walk for another 5 minutes, and almost at the top of the small hill.
Walk for another 5 minutes, and almost at the top of the small hill.


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Continue to climb a little higher from the trail on the right,
Continue to climb a little higher from the trail on the right,


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73︰There is a big trigonometrical station on West Buffalo Hill, with a 360-degree invincible view, it is a good place for a big break.
After returning to the main trail, continue to climb West Buffalo Hill,
After returning to the main trail, continue to climb West Buffalo Hill,


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84︰Soon, come to the top of Buffalo Hill. There is no Trigonometrical Station on the top of the mountain, and the highest position is the big rock.
Soon, come to the top of Buffalo Hill. There is no Trigonometrical Station on the top of the mountain, and the highest position is the big rock.
Soon, come to the top of Buffalo Hill. There is no Trigonometrical Station on the top of the mountain, and the highest position is the big rock.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
95︰and will come to an intersection.
After returning to the official main trail, keep a few steps to the right,
After returning to the official main trail, keep a few steps to the right,


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The trails leading down the mountain are all large rock slopes,
The trails leading down the mountain are all large rock slopes,


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Go straight down the road,
Go straight down the road,


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 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【West Buffalo Hill . Buffalo Hill . West Buffalo Stone City】Hong Kong Hiking Map

bigbear :去到嗰個位冇得話小唔小心嘞(唔通退番上山咩),因為應做嘅嘢做咗(兜彎慢行,保持冷靜),唔應做嘅嘢冇做(eye contact,挑釁,逃跑)。再者兩隻惡狗發難地點距離最近民居至少7/8十呎,佢哋主人明顯不在場,又何來護主?兩位眾生係咪當咗條馬路係佢哋家園?
🙏 (Tim Sir 2022-11-11)
bigbear :同clao2985遭遇一樣,地點就係佛光寺上少少個轉彎位。由於水牛山頂落去企壁古道已經非常肚餓,肚餓就自然容易火起。兩隻啡黃色唐狗見我漠視佢地狂吠咁慢步經過,明顯唔服氣,之後一邊吠邊從後追上黎。所謂阻我醫肚者,遇神殺神,遇佛殺佛,何況兩隻雜種狗?腦裏預期對方動作,右手拎住支打狗棒,左手yap佢哋埋黎:"埋嚟吖,咬我吖,X你個XX.....隻揪定一齊嚟"如果佢哋冇拎轉頭逃走(同時冇忘記吠),哈,可能今日已見報 (2022-11-10)
師兄,小心呀!養狗惹不過,護主心好重架!可以唔要命。 (Tim Sir 2022-11-10)
clao2985 :
Tim Sir,今日(12/9)行呢條路俾惡狗無挑釁下攻擊,希望post係到提醒山友🙏🏻



位置:22.3703536, 114.2480706(見圖片紅叉)
謝謝你的資訊,這幾隻狗真的十分惡!一群人行過都唔會怕。我幾年前於同一位置亦被追過一次,他們經常放養。但上次拍片時都很平靜,大閘也上了鎖,故可安全通過。如再有這樣的情況,記得開遮或手執背囊頂住隻狗來走,不停開關把遮或有幫助。 (Tim Sir 2022-09-13)

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