
Wilson Trail (Section 4) (2019 Outdated)

Wilson Trail (Section 4) (2019 Outdated)  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 59,253     (Last Updated︰2020-12-04)
 Map 「Wilson Trail (Section 4) (2019 Outdated)」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 7.8km
Estimate : 3hours
Ascent : 527m  Descent : 440m  Max : 548m  Min : 108m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 527mDescent : 440m
Max : 548mMin : 108m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 50%
Stairs 20%
Road 30%
Slope :
Ascent 527m (54%)
Descent 440m (46%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
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After getting off at Tseng Lan Shue, walk into Tseng Lan Shue village,
After getting off at Tseng Lan Shue, walk into Tseng Lan Shue village,


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19︰After passing through Tai Lam Wu Village, walk for another 5 minutes to cross the catchwater,
Walking between the mountains and forests, there are plenty of trees, even in the hot summer.
Walking between the mountains and forests, there are plenty of trees, even in the hot summer.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
23︰At the bifurcated road, have to leave the easier concrete road,
Passing through the deserted Ngau Liu,
Passing through the deserted Ngau Liu,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
32︰keep to the right on the new road Tung Yeung Shan.
Not far from the distance post W039,
Not far from the distance post W039,


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Go along the road towards Tate's Cairn,
Go along the road towards Tate's Cairn,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Wilson Trail (Section 4) (2019 Outdated)】Hong Kong Hiking Map


Official Map

Official Map
Sofielia :
東洋山下山那段是有點滑(還好只是很短的路程),本身平衡力不好,加上膽小,所以有一段就選用了最安全的做法: 坐在地上滑下去 😊 考慮自己的能力,安全至上。 (2021-12-10)
最緊要安全,快慢不要緊。😉 (Tim Sir 2021-12-10)
Eric :
想分享一下, 今日跟着閣下上述圖的指示想行完衛奕信徑4段,到上述圖51的時候,因圖注寫是 荃灣往慈正邨的樓梯,我便以為那是屬於衛奕信徑4段的一段路,跟着行,結果當然不是預期...也好, 知道了一條直達慈雲山運動場的路。 (2021-02-03)
「繼續向前行,路旁還有前往慈正邨的樓梯。」小心不要看錯了,是「還有前往」。另外建議在分叉路口,打開地圖定位確認沒有行錯路。 (Tim Sir 2021-02-04)
Lumiere :今日行到去改道位置在想會不會和衛3一樣直去會容易很多 結果應該都直去比較容易(不上東洋山) 因為落東洋山去番馬路個段係好多碎沙石 滑倒了好幾次 (2021-01-03)
東洋山落山現在已經好闊,比以前易好多了。其次,那不是易不易的問題。如果你覺得落東洋山難,那就更應該上東洋山,因為改道的山泥傾瀉位置對你來說「更危險」。正確應該是著一對好一點的行山鞋,再用行山杖幫助平衡,增加個人平衡力是落山的最大關鍵。 (Tim Sir 2021-01-04)
Ableelee :請問過了大老山氣象站後,一路走到慈雲山,這段路是衛奕信徑4段,還是麥理浩徑5段?因為我走時沿途有不少標示麥理浩徑5段的路牌,但回家看地圖似乎是衛奕信徑4段。 (2020-12-23)
重疊的,兩者皆是。衛奕信徑在獅子亭轉入十二笏,麥理浩徑就直上畢架山。 (Tim Sir 2020-12-23)
kK :請問能夠逆行嗎 (2020-11-10)
四大山徑均可順行、逆行,只是難度可能有變。就衛奕信徑第4段為例,難度會低一點,你可參考海拔圖表,思想逆行的情況。 (Tim Sir 2020-11-10)
Joseph Lam :早幾日上了東洋山看過實際情況, 可能因為修了路,而家兩邊用新衛徑上東洋山也不需「穿林」。Timmy 留的照片中的警告牌後是原本沿山腰之舊衛徑, 右邊指向的是上東洋山的新衛徑。 (2020-11-09)
會過一排上去跟進一下 (Tim Sir 2020-11-10)
Joseph Lam :東洋山一段應該是永久改道https://www.hiking.gov.hk/console/public/uploads/news/5f8d04cfa485c.pdf (2020-11-06)
謝謝資訊,這是暫時改道而已,修葺後便改回的,基本上這是免責聲明,就如小心地滑。無論如何,由東洋山落山都幾崎嶇的,行山人士自行選擇,並執山,最緊要沒有全封路就行了。 (Tim Sir 2020-11-06)
Timmy Li :
行東洋山好像改路了,直接行埋上東洋山。(17-OCT-2020) (2020-10-17)
沒有改,上東洋山的路一向都是荒徑,警告牌後的路就是了。 (Tim Sir 2020-10-17)

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