
Lung Shan Hindu Temple

Lung Shan Hindu Temple, Lau Shui Heung Reservoir Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 79,031     (Last Updated︰2022-01-21)
 Map 「Lung Shan Hindu Temple Lau Shui Heung Reservoir」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 7.5km
Estimate : 3½hours
Ascent : 340m  Descent : 342m  Max : 349m  Min : 12m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 340mDescent : 342m
Max : 349mMin : 12m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 70%
Road 20%
Jungle 10%
Slope :
Ascent 340m (50%)
Descent 342m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Minibus Taxi 
 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


12︰Go straight along the trail,
To reach the Tong Hang Village public toilet, continue along the road.
To reach the Tong Hang Village public toilet, continue along the road.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
22︰about 10 minutes later, will climb to the top of Lung Shan.
On the way, can see some ribbons from time to time.
On the way, can see some ribbons from time to time.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
33︰This time the spring was not in the rainy season, the reservoir is still relatively dry.
Follow the other side to down the mountain.
Follow the other side to down the mountain.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
39︰and continue to go counterclockwise around Lau Shui Heung Reservoir.
Walk slowly back from the end of the reservoir, bypassing the reservoir and leave.
Walk slowly back from the end of the reservoir, bypassing the reservoir and leave.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
60︰The content tells that the exterior of the temple is lotus-shaped,
At the end, will find a trail to go up the mountain.
At the end, will find a trail to go up the mountain.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
As long as turn back on the same road,
As long as turn back on the same road,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Lung Shan Hindu Temple . Lau Shui Heung Reservoir】Hong Kong Hiking Map

Wong Winnie :
上印度廟要由前人剪爛的鐵絲網捐入去,5/9去的 (2022-09-09)
這裏一年又剪又補又剪又補起碼三四次。😂 (Tim Sir 2022-09-10)
Jill :
流水響公厠後已全面被圍鐵絲網,以前的缺口亦被加固。入去就要朋友幫忙掀開新裝鐵絲網了。 (2022-05-21)
實在令人慘不忍睹😔 (Tim Sir 2022-05-21)
Yakman :
在流水響水塘馬路邊開始有指示,可往新建的屋邨山麗苑坐巴士出市區或返粉嶺站,從水塘計大約要行2公里 (2022-01-05)
資訊很有用!謝謝你呀!😍 (Tim Sir 2022-01-05)
大 ken :Tim sir 你好
謝謝巴士資訊。😊 (Tim Sir 2022-01-02)
Ray Chak :如果想去印度廟,原路廁所右邊係封咗,要沿廁所左邊入去 ,有好多絲帶,捐過鐵絲網轉右就得。 (2021-11-22)
謝謝路線資訊!😄 (Tim Sir 2021-11-22)
Christy :尋日行完落山段荒徑打風後路況好差,大家如果行左邊落山要小心。印度廟都仲係圍住左同埋可能打風上到去都行唔到去廟果個位。 (2021-10-18)
謝謝報告路況,打風過後好多路線都有塌樹問題,要隨機應變。 (Tim Sir 2021-10-18)
福伯 :Tim sir 你好…多謝你呢個網站分享…其實我地想呢個星期去…唔知有無網友報告入口開番未?謝謝! (2020-11-19)
直至隔離邨完工之前都不要去了。 (Tim Sir 2020-11-19)
Tommy Leung :Tim Sir 你好, 首先非常感謝你建立這個網站, 給予愛好行山人仕很多有用資訊. 上星期我跟友人去訪印度廟, 但去到入口時, 發覺已給新建的鐵閘封住了, 因而在此告之, 以便查證.

去印度廟的荒徑現在被地盤圍封,安全起見,大家待工程完成再去吧! (Tim Sir 2020-09-15)
Yukimi Machida :Hi, I like your post and I visited here today. Then found the fence entrance has been closed already
due to build next flat. And there is new fence on left hand side(by government) but it was already
turned over by some climber like us. Just would like to inform you tips. We slipped from that gap. Simply said we reached to Hindu temple from backyard broken fence of train dog yard. And it was definately not suitable for beginners.
前一星期也聽過山友說有新開的入口,但較之前的困難。無論如何,大家安全為重,急不著一時,希望於建築工程後,入口可回復正常。 (Tim Sir 2020-07-19)

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