
Old Lantau Trail (Section 4)

Old Lantau Trail (Section 4)  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Old Lantau Trail (Section 4)」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :

Path :
Length : 3.7km
Estimate : 1¼hours
Ascent : 227m  Descent : 263m  Max : 456m  Min : 229m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 227mDescent : 263m
Max : 456mMin : 229m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 100%
Slope :
Ascent 227m (46%)
Descent 263m (54%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Taxi 
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7︰will come to the big archway of Phoenix View, which is the junction of Lantau Trail (Section 3) and (Section 4).
After getting off the bus, walk into Ngong Ping Plaza,
After getting off the bus, walk into Ngong Ping Plaza,


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There is a large bulletin board next to the big archway
There is a large bulletin board next to the big archway


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
18︰go about 100 meters more and pay attention to the entrance of the barren trail on the right.
Go down the trail on the mud road,
Go down the trail on the mud road,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
22︰Let's find the ribbon to obtain the road. When going down from the official country trail, this trail is very obvious,
There are ribbons tied to the intersection.
There are ribbons tied to the intersection.


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26︰After a while, will come to the easiest place to go wrong in the whole section, finding for the ribbons tips.
After a while, will come to the easiest place to go wrong in the whole section, finding for the ribbons tips.
After a while, will come to the easiest place to go wrong in the whole section, finding for the ribbons tips.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
37︰There will be a small pool in the middle.
On the way, will see some distance posts that have been demolished.
On the way, will see some distance posts that have been demolished.


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When encounter any big tree blocking the road, just lean over it.
When encounter any big tree blocking the road, just lean over it.


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In addition to the removed distance post, will also find the removed flooding warning signs.
In addition to the removed distance post, will also find the removed flooding warning signs.


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54︰Final, come to the dangerous collapse position of landslide,
Same as before, do not rely on the railing, some of them are broken.
Same as before, do not rely on the railing, some of them are broken.


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59︰The exit will connect to Keung Shan Road.
The widening of the mountain trail actually means that the exit is about to be reached.
The widening of the mountain trail actually means that the exit is about to be reached.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Old Lantau Trail (Section 4)】Hong Kong Hiking Map

ATE24 :
回 Jazz:
早前有朋友跟我分享第四(2008)及九(2019)版大嶼山及附近島嶼地圖,發現第四版石壁郊遊徑的標距柱 C1501 編號去到第九版似乎加了 1 變成 C1502,而 C1501 則移向昂坪方向。但與原先 L028 的位置相比,新 C1501 的位置比舊 L028 稍為遠離昂坪少少。就這樣觀察原先的石壁郊遊徑起點應該是在那個轉下去舊鳳四的路口位,當鳳四永久改道後,由昂坪通往舊鳳四路口位的一小段舊鳳四就被石壁郊遊徑吞併。
謝謝回覆😄 (Tim Sir 2021-03-16)
Jazz :
今天也去走了,謝謝Tim sir! 但想請問一下,舊四段的L028應該在哪裏呢?算是跟石壁郊遊徑C1501處左右重疊嗎?我的地圖只到L029,之後就直接跳心經簡林的L027了。謝謝釋疑。 (2021-02-20)

極可能在石壁郊遊徑之上,因手頭上的舊版鳳凰徑地圖並沒有標距柱位置,這點無法證實。😅 (Tim Sir 2021-02-21)
Jazz :Tim sir,請問有路徑可通往獅子頭山山頂嗎?謝謝 (2021-01-26)
曾經是有的,不過現在不知還見不見到,地圖上是沒有路線的。 (Tim Sir 2021-01-26)
Chi Ming :
急不及待,今天已行了,謝謝Tim Sir. (2021-01-24)
應該可以把舊鳳徑激活起來! (Tim Sir 2021-01-24)

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約翰福音 14:27