
Tin Mei Shan
Tai Cham Koi
Pai Ngak Shan

Tin Mei Shan, Tai Cham Koi, Pai Ngak Shan  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Tin Mei Shan, Tai Cham Koi, Pai Ngak Shan」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 10.9km
Time : 6hours
Ascent : 550m  Descent : 630m  Max : 393m  Min : 4m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 550mDescent : 630m
Max : 393mMin : 4m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 50%
Road 20%
Jungle 30%
Slope :
Ascent 550m (47%)
Descent 630m (53%)
Sunlight :
Climb :
Start Point :
Minibus Taxi 
Support :
  Chek KengStore
End Point :
Bus Taxi 
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The starting point is at Sai Wan Pavilion.
The starting point is at Sai Wan Pavilion.


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The scenery is dominated by High Island Reservoir,
The scenery is dominated by High Island Reservoir,


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33︰There is no trigonometrical station on the top of Tin Mei Shan. The scenery can be seen Sharp Peak. Tai Mun Shan in front is easy to recognize.
There is no trigonometrical station on the top of Tin Mei Shan. The scenery can be seen Sharp Peak. Tai Mun Shan in front is easy to recognize.
There is no trigonometrical station on the top of Tin Mei Shan. The scenery can be seen Sharp Peak. Tai Mun Shan in front is easy to recognize.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
41︰Tai Cham Koi has a trigonometrical station, and the scenery is even better than Tin Mei Shan.
Tai Cham Koi has a trigonometrical station, and the scenery is even better than Tin Mei Shan.
Tai Cham Koi has a trigonometrical station, and the scenery is even better than Tin Mei Shan.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
This path to Pai Ngak Shan is very clear,
This path to Pai Ngak Shan is very clear,


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70︰The top of Pai Ngak Shan is generally open scenery,
The top of Pai Ngak Shan is generally open scenery,
The top of Pai Ngak Shan is generally open scenery,


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
91︰the trails conditions are generally muddy roads,
After returning to the Luk Wu Country Trail, keep to the left,
After returning to the Luk Wu Country Trail, keep to the left,


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102︰When going to a curved stone bridge which is the Pak Hang, the view is nice.
All the way down, still can enjoy a few of Chinese New Year Flower,
All the way down, still can enjoy a few of Chinese New Year Flower,


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
108︰A few steps ahead, will connect to MacLehose Trail, and the Luk Chek Path is over.
Connect to the opposite trail
Connect to the opposite trail


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
120︰and the rest is an ordinary concrete road.
This time, do not go straight to Pak Tam Au,
This time, do not go straight to Pak Tam Au,


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Tin Mei Shan . Tai Cham Koi . Pai Ngak Shan】Hiking Route Map

津津舅父 :上個禮拜行咗呢兩座山,上落大枕蓋都OK,唔算辛苦之後去咗對面牌額山真係超痛苦 (尤其當日我著咗短褲)。全個山都係密林, 我飄移咗少許,最終被大量樹枝同藤包圍住, 曾經諗過洗唔洗報警,結果抖一輪之後飲啖水食少少嘢之後逐樣逐樣整走佢之後上到去山腰個棵樹度抖多一輪先攻頂。上到山頂有一片芒草田真係好靚,望到赤徑,大蚊山,蚺蛇尖。 落返嚟果陣我經對面筆架山落返郊遊徑,條徑開揚啲無咁密舒服好多(但都係有好多藤) 真係好少人行呢兩座山,我由頭到尾都只係撞過兩個人。 (2023-12-02)
現在牌額山不要上了,密得很恐怖! (Tim Sir 2023-12-04)
Markk :Tim sir, 遲啲會否介紹行金山尾落赤徑?也是四星級落山路線。 (2022-01-18)
行過,落山不止4星,非常斜,而且草叢蓋地好跣。下次會改為上先寫。 (Tim Sir 2022-01-18)
Ah Po :
Tim Sir 你好!我今天行咗田尾山同埋牌額山。兩個山嘅上山路徑草叢非常密集,唔講得笑。一定要穿長褲。另外我發覺香港山峰150高度排名第97嘅排額山380米是否這一個牌額山409米?謝謝你! (2021-09-13)

其實排名很虛無,很多現時知名的山都沒包括在內的,例如︰燕岩頂、彎曲山、走馬崗… 當初為何選這150峰,真的無從稽考。所以,不要太計較排名。
(Tim Sir 2021-09-14)
mmxii :
依到提到西灣路上田尾有條捷徑係咪圖中依條?打算上完橫頭墩行捷徑上田尾,想請問一下清唔清楚路況如何? (2021-01-25)
是,但路程不清楚。 (Tim Sir 2021-01-25)

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He gives strength to those who grow tired and increases the strength of those who are weak.

Isaiah‬ ‭40:29 GW