
Kau Sha Ancient Trail
Tsim Sha Path

Kau Sha Ancient Trail, Tsim Sha Path  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Kau Sha Ancient Trail, Tsim Sha Path」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 6.4km
Time : 2hours
Ascent : 736m  Descent : 667m  Max : 290m  Min : 54m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 736mDescent : 667m
Max : 290mMin : 54m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 70%
Road 30%
Slope :
Ascent 736m (52%)
Descent 667m (48%)
Sunlight :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Taxi 
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If you are taking a bus heading for Shatin,
If you are taking a bus heading for Shatin,


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Get ready and set off. First, enter the Hung Mui Kuk barbecue area.
Get ready and set off. First, enter the Hung Mui Kuk barbecue area.


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21︰pay attention to the catchwater concrete bridge on the left.
This section of catchwater is about 1km away,
This section of catchwater is about 1km away,


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
22︰After crossing the catchwater with the concrete bridge, going straight is Kin Lung Ancient Trail,
After crossing the catchwater with the concrete bridge, going straight is Kin Lung Ancient Trail,
After crossing the catchwater with the concrete bridge, going straight is Kin Lung Ancient Trail,


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31︰After passing through the electric tower, there is a bifurcated road.
The big stone slope ends when reached the bottom of the electric tower.
The big stone slope ends when reached the bottom of the electric tower.


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In the middle of Tsim Sha Path, the trail like an ancient trail.
In the middle of Tsim Sha Path, the trail like an ancient trail.


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The top of the step is Eagle's Nest Pavilion.
The top of the step is Eagle's Nest Pavilion.


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66︰will arrive at Phoenix House.
The end of the road is downhill along the wide road.
The end of the road is downhill along the wide road.


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 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Kau Sha Ancient Trail . Tsim Sha Path】Hiking Route Map

bigbear :先幾日-->鷹巢山教育徑(南半圈) X 尖沙徑 X 衛徑5 X 紅梅谷教育徑(6.5K),雖然只有一兩個開揚景,但大膽講全程係9成林蔭(炎炎夏天,咁逆走舒服過順走,落多過上)尖沙徑逆走過電塔後4/5個沖坑騎呢落山位,其實真係唔難,大人應該自己行一次先至帶小朋友行 (2022-08-10)
順走逆走都可以,只要懂路就得了。 (Tim Sir 2022-08-10)
muchampion :
感謝路線介紹。今日一行,最後改接上鷹巢山教育徑出大埔道離開,路程一樣。各位山友留意,如果想逆走,最後要應付下坡那一段的話,小心小朋友。今日就見到有家長帶小朋友逆走,下坡時跌倒弄傷了。 (2022-04-18)
任何一條路線逆走,都是留意反向是上斜還是落斜,而落斜又有多斜?因為上斜易,落斜難,不要隨意逆走。 (Tim Sir 2022-04-19)

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