
Biu Tsim Kok
Po Pin Chau

Biu Tsim Kok, Po Pin Chau  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 67,450     (Last Updated︰2022-03-30)
 Map 「Biu Tsim Kok, Po Pin Chau」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :

(Biu Tsim Kok only)
Path :
Length : 6.2km
Estimate : 3½hours
Ascent : 174m  Descent : 174m  Max : 155m  Min : 6m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 174mDescent : 174m
Max : 155mMin : 6m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 60%
Road 30%
Gravel 10%
Slope :
Ascent 174m (50%)
Descent 174m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Minibus Taxi 
 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


17︰to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Get off at the big pavilion at the end of the East Dam road,
Get off at the big pavilion at the end of the East Dam road,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
20︰Soon will come to Biu Tsim Kok Viewing Point. The Viewing Point is very wide
Soon will come to Biu Tsim Kok Viewing Point. The Viewing Point is very wide
Soon will come to Biu Tsim Kok Viewing Point. The Viewing Point is very wide


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
38︰or go to the breakwater to feel its magnificent aura.
Return to the other side,
Return to the other side,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
53︰Step forwards a little bit, can clearly see Kim Chu Wan below, and the Hong Kong Heart pattern on the mountain,
Look at the direction of Po Pin Chau,
Look at the direction of Po Pin Chau,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
After a break,
After a break,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Biu Tsim Kok . Po Pin Chau】Hong Kong Hiking Map

hugefishy :TIM SIR你好, 想確認一下現在往破邊州路上是可以走在防坡堤下面嗎? (不在走鐵絲網或在防坡堤的石上走) 因為去年行過, 當時沒看到可以走在下面. 謝謝! (2022-04-06)
可以走下面。 (Tim Sir 2022-04-06)

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哥林多後書 5:7