
Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls

 Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 6.3km
Estimate : 3½hours
Ascent : 481m  Descent : 484m  Max : 564m  Min : 91m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 481mDescent : 484m
Max : 564mMin : 91m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 40%
Stairs 10%
Road 40%
Jungle 5%
Stream 5%
Slope :
Ascent 481m (50%)
Descent 484m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
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8︰until reaching a bifurcation on the ground.
To Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls, you can take a bus 64K or minibus 25K at Tai Po Market and get off at Ng Tung Chai Station.
To Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls, you can take a bus 64K or minibus 25K at Tai Po Market and get off at Ng Tung Chai Station.


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17︰Starting to walk into the mountain trail,
Starting to walk into the mountain trail,
Starting to walk into the mountain trail,


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30︰Ng Tung Chai Bottom Fall is small in scale and has no feeling of surging, only about 5 meters high.
To the first WaterFalls Ng Tung Chai Bottom Fall, it takes about 20 minutes.
To the first WaterFalls Ng Tung Chai Bottom Fall, it takes about 20 minutes.


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39︰A few moments later, come to a bifurcation with no street signs, first go ahead and visit White Shake Fall.
From Middle Fall to Main Fall, there is a little distance. It takes about half an hour to walk slowly.
From Middle Fall to Main Fall, there is a little distance. It takes about half an hour to walk slowly.


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43︰The Main Fall is about 30 meters high and is the tallest one among the Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls.
The Main Fall is about 30 meters high and is the tallest one among the Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls.
The Main Fall is about 30 meters high and is the tallest one among the Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls.


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50︰The height of Scatter Fall is about 10 meters, which is like a very beautiful hair.
The next destination is Scatter Fall. Hikers must first go through the stream of Main Fall and head to the opposite mountain trail.
The next destination is Scatter Fall. Hikers must first go through the stream of Main Fall and head to the opposite mountain trail.


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55︰At the end of the stone steps, there is a barren trail on the left, is leading to Jade Girl Fall, and the difficulty will be temporarily increased to 4 stars; the right way is leading to Tai Mo Shan, can also go back to the starting point.
First, climb the trail at the other end of Scatter Fall
First, climb the trail at the other end of Scatter Fall


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The trail is not very obvious, and there are many broken leaves.
The trail is not very obvious, and there are many broken leaves.


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62︰On the way, will pass a large bamboo forest, which is pretty beautiful.
Turn back on the same road to the bifurcation,
Turn back on the same road to the bifurcation,


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The downhill trail is very easy to walk,
The downhill trail is very easy to walk,


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TimHiking【Ng Tung Chai WaterFalls】Hong Kong Hiking Map

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