
Fo Dau Ping
Mau Tsai Shan
Unicorn Ridge

 Fo Dau Ping, Mau Tsai Shan, Unicorn Ridge, Shap Yi Wat Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Fo Dau Ping, Mau Tsai Shan, Unicorn Ridge Shap Yi Wat」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 6km
Estimate : 3hours
Ascent : 433m  Descent : 421m  Max : 426m  Min : 5m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 433mDescent : 421m
Max : 426mMin : 5m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 40%
Road 30%
Jungle 10%
Gravel 20%
Slope :
Ascent 433m (51%)
Descent 421m (49%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
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The route starts from Sha Tin Wai. Neighbours can start at Shui Chuen Au Street by themselves. Others can start at MTR Sha Tin Wai Station Exit D.
The route starts from Sha Tin Wai. Neighbours can start at Shui Chuen Au Street by themselves. Others can start at MTR Sha Tin Wai Station Exit D.


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Passing the second gate,
Passing the second gate,


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Fo Dau Ping is a large platform
Fo Dau Ping is a large platform


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At the left rear of Mau Tsai Shan Trigonometrical Station, there is a mountain trail leading to Sun Tin Wai. Just look at Sun Tin Wai all the way down the mountain, the distance is about 1 kilometre. If you exit this road, the difficulty will be reduced to 2 stars.
At the left rear of Mau Tsai Shan Trigonometrical Station, there is a mountain trail leading to Sun Tin Wai. Just look at Sun Tin Wai all the way down the mountain, the distance is about 1 kilometre. If you exit this road, the difficulty will be reduced to 2 stars.


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As it is the New Year's period, so first turn left to Shap Yi Wat to enjoy the Chinese New Year Flower, and then go back to Unicorn Ridge.
As it is the New Year's period, so first turn left to Shap Yi Wat to enjoy the Chinese New Year Flower, and then go back to Unicorn Ridge.


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As long as you walk in, you will see a road on the left.
As long as you walk in, you will see a road on the left.


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Return to the main path, step into Unicorn North Ridge,
Return to the main path, step into Unicorn North Ridge,


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From the other end of the mountain,
From the other end of the mountain,


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Go down Shatin Pass Road,
Go down Shatin Pass Road,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Fo Dau Ping . Mau Tsai Shan . Unicorn Ridge . Shap Yi Wat】Hong Kong Hiking Map

sgfgfdg :逆行難度會不會低一些? (2024-01-18)
你看看等高線圖,若倒轉是怎麼樣的一回事。 (Tim Sir 2024-01-19)
Markk :
Tim sir, 非常巧合,你出片前小弟已約朋友行這條路線。又可以share片俾多幾位朋友😁。天氣一般,不過因為星期日所以都遇上很多山友。蝌蚪坪真係非常好風景,貓仔石也相似,可惜兩枝標高柱附近樹木太密,不太有空間放航拍,簡簡單單三小時落到巴士站走人。多謝介紹! (2023-02-05)
行山有時簡簡單單也可以很滿足,未必要次次行到死嚇死嚇先叫行過山嘅。😄 (Tim Sir 2023-02-06)

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民數記 6:26