
Tung Mui Ancient Trail
Olympics Trail

Tung Mui Ancient Trail, Olympics Trail  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 83,476     (Last Updated︰2021-08-04)
 Map 「Tung Mui Ancient Trail, Olympics Trail」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 10.2km
Estimate : 3½hours
Ascent : 260m  Descent : 273m  Max : 180m  Min : 0m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 260mDescent : 273m
Max : 180mMin : 0m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 10%
Road 90%
Slope :
Ascent 260m (49%)
Descent 273m (51%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Taxi Ferry 
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9︰From these stairs up, the road after that is flat like catchwater
Starting at Tung Chung, leave at Tung Chung Station Exit D, then cross the road to Fu Tung Street,
Starting at Tung Chung, leave at Tung Chung Station Exit D, then cross the road to Fu Tung Street,


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25︰Going along the road,
After walking for another 10 minutes,
After walking for another 10 minutes,


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43︰which is Pak Mong Village School,
This section is a road.
This section is a road.


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64︰After crossing a small bridge, turn to the right. On the left is a large grassland.
Continue along the road
Continue along the road


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68︰The scenery is the most open scenery in the whole journey.
The Olympic swimming pattern is just in front of the stairs.
The Olympic swimming pattern is just in front of the stairs.


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95︰will arrive at Silvermine Bay.
Return to the intersection and continue forward.
Return to the intersection and continue forward.


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TimHiking【Tung Mui Ancient Trail . Olympics Trail】Hong Kong Hiking Map

Kunning :
早晨,Tim Sir! 昨天搭船去梅窩先,調翻轉頭行左東梅古道,路徑非常清晰,都算寬闊既,沿途有士多補充能量。距離難度均非常適合我。感謝Tim Sir的照片與路線! (2020-10-25)
別客氣!繼續開心上山! (Tim Sir 2020-10-25)
Valerie :請問一個人行安全嗎?沿途有狗嗎? (2020-06-02)
都是寬闊的山徑,平時都多人行,獨行是否安全請自行評估。無論如何,不見有狗蹤影。Happy Hiking! (Tim Sir 2020-06-02)
颱風 :
謝謝你提供的行山路線圖 (2020-03-26)
多謝支持! (Tim Sir 2020-03-26)
8號 :由於早前在網上看到白芒村村民為免疫情流入村內,村民自發封村,這樣請問會否影響原來路線。謝! (2020-03-04)
奧運徑並非私人路段,這個可能性不大。據山友報告,於新界北的封村情況比較嚴重。 (Tim Sir 2020-03-04)

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以賽亞書 54:10 和修版