
Three Brothers Rock
Fish Basket Rock

Three Brothers Rock, Fish Basket Rock, Nui Po Shan Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 95,755     (Last Updated︰2021-11-19)
 Map 「Three Brothers Rock, Fish Basket Rock Nui Po Shan」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 5.5km
Time : 3½hours
Ascent : 507m  Descent : 459m  Max : 384m  Min : 0m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 507mDescent : 459m
Max : 384mMin : 0m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 80%
Road 15%
Gravel 5%
Slope :
Ascent 507m (52%)
Descent 459m (48%)
Sunlight :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


Starting from Shek Mun Station,
Starting from Shek Mun Station,


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
15︰As it is all a bit slanted, it quickly climbs to a high level,
There is a ribbon at the entrance. It is obvious and easy to recognize.
There is a ribbon at the entrance. It is obvious and easy to recognize.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
At this time, the altitude is about 160 meters. The trail is not as steep as it was at the beginning.
At this time, the altitude is about 160 meters. The trail is not as steep as it was at the beginning.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
35︰On Fish Basket Rock, I seem to be very insignificant.
On Fish Basket Rock, I seem to be very insignificant.
On Fish Basket Rock, I seem to be very insignificant.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
47︰will go to Little Turtle Rock,
It is almost at Little Stone Forest.
It is almost at Little Stone Forest.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
To leave, just follow the right side of Yeung Yuen Rock
To leave, just follow the right side of Yeung Yuen Rock


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Three Brothers Rock . Fish Basket Rock . Nui Po Shan】Hiking Route Map

Nerissa :
謝謝Tim Sir詳細路線紀錄!今日毛毛細雨、濃霧。小龜石後白矇矇一片,幾乎睇唔到豆腐石,亦差啲miss左右面落山條斜坡。Staying active amid the gloomy weather! 💪💪 (2022-01-22)
Happy Day! 😄 (Tim Sir 2022-01-22)
文 :我全程跟住「香港行山路線」呢一個app,所以冇行錯👍👍
我們是網站,沒有APPS的。不要緊,行得開心,安全落山就得。其實行所有非四大官徑,都是最好著長褲,不然好易刮傷。 (Tim Sir 2021-11-19)
bbboy :其實我建議大家使用香港遠足路線呢個app, 我就係一邊行呢條路一邊用呢個app GPS定位, 因為呢條路太多分叉路如果唔用GPS好易行錯, 如果覺得我係賣廣告嘅麻煩delete我呢個留言, (2021-06-06)
我們的地圖是有GPS定位的,請看【地圖教學】,另外並沒有提供遠足APPS地圖下載。若想跟足來行,直接使用我們的地圖,打開定位便可。 (Tim Sir 2021-06-06)
Momolisa :我同小明小明一樣,都係搵唔到路。因為今日太曬,所以去到圖28之後就諗住落山。但係都係搵唔到圖40。期間我哋見到有絲帶 (應該同小明小明一樣),一直鏟落山, 之後都係帶到我哋去到一個密林。我哋都搵咗好耐,先至見到出路。我懷疑嗰啲絲帶係之前的野外動向比賽時留下?因為好奇怪地,一直爆林,但係都見到絲帶, 但係又唔係帶我哋出去嘅。如果大家都係同我同一樣情況,跟住絲帶落山時,去到密林嘅時候見到一個墳墓,咒沿住村屋嗰邊方向去 (唔好去私人樓果一邊),咁就可以出返嚟㗎啦 (2021-05-19)
建議在必要位置,打開地圖的GPS定位功能,確保沒有行錯路。 (Tim Sir 2021-05-19)
Julian :多謝指點!行完了,很開心!有挑戰性。謝謝你的分享。 (2021-05-11)
別客氣!一定玩得好開心!😍 (Tim Sir 2021-05-11)
Karen lee :頗陡峭,不易行,去到三兄弟石折返了 (2021-03-06)
累積多點經驗再來😉 別急,三兄弟不會走的。 (Tim Sir 2021-03-07)
beatrice :行呢條路線好過爽,手腳並用,雖然有啲地方錯過咗,下次再行過,感謝你嘅詳細資料。 (2021-02-04)
短短地又真是幾好玩的! (Tim Sir 2021-02-04)
小明小明 :行到圖40之後找不到以後的路, 惟有跟絲帶落山大約45分鐘到了一個密林, 之後找了很久也找不到路及絲帶, 很是徬徨, 最後只好原路上山再落回去三兄弟石走, 那時已經6:30, 天已經全黑.....但不明白那裏行錯路!!! (2020-12-09)
這條路線都幾明顯的,不會有穿林,你可能錯入了其他支徑。你可以善用我們的行山地圖,開啟GPS位置跟住行,行錯可即時知道並修正,應該沒有難度的。再試!不要緊!不過,下次不要太晚上山,要預留多點時間落山。 (Tim Sir 2020-12-09)

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You, O Lord, will be my light; by you, my God, the dark will be made bright for me.

Psalms 18:28 BBE