
Ching Lung Ridge
Nam Shan Ancient Trail

Ching Lung Ridge, Nam Shan Ancient Trail  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 71,828     (Last Updated︰2021-05-31)
 Map 「Ching Lung Ridge, Nam Shan Ancient Trail」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 12.5km
Time : 6½hours
Ascent : 739m  Descent : 985m  Max : 739m  Min : 0m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 739mDescent : 985m
Max : 739mMin : 0m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 100%
Slope :
Ascent 739m (43%)
Descent 985m (57%)
Sunlight :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Ferry 
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6︰not the steps ahead on the Lantau Trail. South Lantau Country Trail is mainly a horizontal Country Trail,
First of all, you can take a bus from Tung Chung to Pak Kung Au.
First of all, you can take a bus from Tung Chung to Pak Kung Au.


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9︰The sceneries along the way are very good view,
The sceneries along the way are very good view,
The sceneries along the way are very good view,


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21︰The entrance of Ching Lung Ridge is at the corner.
When come to the distance post C1107,
When come to the distance post C1107,


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36︰just climb up.
The ascending speed is very fast,
The ascending speed is very fast,


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51︰will see the Sky Pool.
There is no trigonometrical station on the top of Yi Tung Shan, it has 360-degree views,
There is no trigonometrical station on the top of Yi Tung Shan, it has 360-degree views,


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57︰and keep left at the bifurcation towards Nam Shan.
Yi Tung Shan Sky Pool is actually a storage pool built by the missionaries in the past, the size is as large as a standard swimming pool.
Yi Tung Shan Sky Pool is actually a storage pool built by the missionaries in the past, the size is as large as a standard swimming pool.


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60︰In the distance post is L011, there is another big branch road on the left, can go to Lin Fa Shan, Heavenly Book Wall, Por Kai Shan, etc.
Head to Mui Wo, start downhill.
Head to Mui Wo, start downhill.


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71︰can also go to South Lantau Road on the right.
For all continue, just keep following the signs to Mui Wo.
For all continue, just keep following the signs to Mui Wo.


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82︰The first half of the Nam Shan Ancient Trail is made of big rocks.
After a short break, follow the street sign to Mui Wo,
After a short break, follow the street sign to Mui Wo,


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When coming to a field, the grassland is really big which is unexpected that Mui Wo have such grassland.
When coming to a field, the grassland is really big which is unexpected that Mui Wo have such grassland.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Ching Lung Ridge . Nam Shan Ancient Trail】Hiking Route Map

Markk :
Tim sir,隔了三年重遊青龍脊,入口已有絲帶,路況亦清晰很多,山上仍有很多人(主要是操普通話的)打卡。昨天天氣極好,放了一輪航拍才怱怱摸黑落黃龍坑郊遊徑走人。 (2024-12-01)
GOOD,特別的視野!好玩! (Tim Sir 2024-12-01)
Nerissa :
謝謝Tim Sir詳細路線介紹!今日天陰陰,所以上山路段唔熱,相對輕鬆。可惜二東山頂霧濃,估計能見度不足一百米。沿途白矇矇一片,無緣欣賞景色。 (2022-01-17)
我今日都在大東霧中!😄 (Tim Sir 2022-01-17)
Joann :請問從伯公坳經青龍脊上二東山大概要走幾耐。Thanks! (2021-11-16)
慢就近4小時 (Tim Sir 2021-11-16)
Markk :
Tim sir,昨天趁北大風到,上山看芒草,見伯公坳已有人龍行天梯上大東,二話不說就轉行南大嶼郊遊徑經青龍脊上。青龍脊初段上攀頗急,用咗三十分鐘已到六百等高線上。沿途芒草處處,景觀非常一流。可惜非常非常大風,放不到航拍。多謝Tim sir 介紹。 (2021-11-09)
昨日我也經過,不過天黑了。 (Tim Sir 2021-11-09)
Leung Fung :Tim Sir 你好,上星期行此路線,青龍脊山徑比想像中更斜,加上天氣熱,上得更辛苦。另,上到二東山爛頭營,草長得高又密,很難找到路徑出返主徑,只好對住目標前進。好不容易去到9號營,草完成遮蓋了路胚,完全找不到路落天池,落斜加上體力已俾青龍脊消耗了很多,今次未能踏足天池,只能在9號營望到一小部分。

另,請教 Tim Sir, 如果草太高太密,又看不到路胚,純靠 GPS 也未必定到位,應怎麼辦?謝謝!
其實,草密極都會見到條路胚的,路胚一般都不會突然消失。估計,你應該是偏離了主徑,才變成了爆林。天池我曾經去過好多次,條路是好清的,不過大東二東的芒草路變化好大,我都曾經夏天去過,草的確有點多而密,重點是曾經秋、冬去過,知道正確位置就容易一些找,再加上GPS協助,天晴下在山頂應該好準的。另外,草太高太密只是路況,不要緊只要還看到路胚,但那一條路胚是正確就只能靠經驗。無論如何,此等路線都是秋冬去較好。 (Tim Sir 2021-09-13)
Mark :
Tim sir, 星期六上青龍脊非常辛苦,雖然有微風仍然頗熱。所以也沒有下天池就落南山再行古道到梅窩,在鹿地塘村內迷了少許路,幸好有熱心婆婆指路。路牌指示有點奇怪,明明大路一條也指向小巷,但原來這樣才是對的。🤣 (2021-03-22)
天氣炎熱上大東二東即使行梯級也辛苦,行大石脊、青龍脊之類就不用說了。😄 (Tim Sir 2021-03-22)

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Psalms 145:8