
Shui Long Wo Star Lookout
Wan Kuk Shan (2021 Outdated)

Shui Long Wo Star Lookout, Wan Kuk Shan (2021 Outdated)  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 146,673     (Last Updated︰2021-11-19)
 Map 「Shui Long Wo Star Lookout, Wan Kuk Shan (2021 Outdated)」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 10.3km
Estimate : 3½hours
【 Shui Long Wo Campsite 】
Toilet : Outhouse, Portable Toilets
Water : Stream Water
Ascent : 564m  Descent : 570m  Max : 575m  Min : 11m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 564mDescent : 570m
Max : 575mMin : 11m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 60%
Stairs 15%
Road 25%
Slope :
Ascent 564m (50%)
Descent 570m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
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2︰After getting off the bus, head towards Sai Kung and you will see the big archway of Shui Long Wo.
First, go to Shui Long Wo. You can take bus 99/99R/289R/299X in Sai Kung and get off at Shui Long Wo bus stop.
First, go to Shui Long Wo. You can take bus 99/99R/289R/299X in Sai Kung and get off at Shui Long Wo bus stop.


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23︰on the left is Chuk Yeung Road, which can go to Sha Ha Beach.
Go through the barbecue area at Kei Ling Ha,
Go through the barbecue area at Kei Ling Ha,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
27︰Pay attention to the bifurcation about 250 meters ahead,
Pay attention to the bifurcation about 250 meters ahead,
Pay attention to the bifurcation about 250 meters ahead,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
40︰and some are tree-rooted trails.
The mountain trails some are mud roads,
The mountain trails some are mud roads,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
51︰There is a new step on the left-hand side to the self-service filming station.
There is a new step on the left-hand side to the self-service filming station.
There is a new step on the left-hand side to the self-service filming station.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
59︰於Wan Kuk Shan山頂的景觀不是最靚的,在旁有小山丘阻擋,也看不到彎曲的山脊。The view on the top of Wan Kuk Shan is not the most beautiful. There are small hills next to it, and no curved ridges can be seen.
於Wan Kuk Shan山頂的景觀不是最靚的,在旁有小山丘阻擋,也看不到彎曲的山脊。The view on the top of Wan Kuk Shan is not the most beautiful. There are small hills next to it, and no curved ridges can be seen.
於Wan Kuk Shan山頂的景觀不是最靚的,在旁有小山丘阻擋,也看不到彎曲的山脊。The view on the top of Wan Kuk Shan is not the most beautiful. There are small hills next to it, and no curved ridges can be seen.


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67︰The mountain in front is Pyramid Hill.
Walk along the ridge of Wan Kuk Shan,
Walk along the ridge of Wan Kuk Shan,


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78︰There is a viewing point at the edge,
There are railings on both sides, the main function is to prevent the trail from desertification.
There are railings on both sides, the main function is to prevent the trail from desertification.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
82︰ also leave MacLehose Trail at the bifurcation,
Appreciating the perfect view, leave from the other end,
Appreciating the perfect view, leave from the other end,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
Next are the roads of many villages.
Next are the roads of many villages.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Shui Long Wo Star Lookout . Wan Kuk Shan (2021 Outdated)】Hong Kong Hiking Map

David2012 :Tim Sir, 您好 !
留意一點,難度定級的考慮,通常大部重於路線本身,官徑/荒徑比例,攀升的速度,會不會上完又落,落完又上等等。基本上不會考慮體力因由,同是否怕曬一樣,有人一曬就溶,多多水都不夠。所以要明白,體力因人而異的差距甚大,若你發現個人體力跟網站有差距,那麼在選擇路線時,要加倍留意難度的選擇是否能應付。或者上得慢一點,輕鬆一點也是方法。上山速度跟體力消耗也有密切關係。 (Tim Sir 2022-03-13)
muchampion :
謝介紹,今日由水浪窩出發,去到昂平,回頭到圖72的十字路口,上去睇埋鱷魚石,獨木舟石、再返轉頭往恆安邨離開。另外因限聚令,所有燒烤區已封閉,觀星台正好在水浪窩燒烤區內,「進不得」(當然......嘻......) (2022-02-25)
哈哈!你懂的,最緊要開心上山,安全落山。😊 (Tim Sir 2022-02-26)
Sofielia :
今日上到去霧濛濛,不過都好呀,望到太遠我可能腳軟。晴天行,陰天行,各有各美態。 (2022-02-11)
對,各有各美麗!不同天氣都行嚇,感覺都不一樣。 (Tim Sir 2022-02-11)
Dada :請問若果由馬鞍山村上、水浪窩村離開,會否是比較容易的路線?謝謝! (2021-11-28)
不會有太大差別,馬鞍山郊遊徑同樣是一條長天梯。 (Tim Sir 2021-11-28)
Josam :
18/10/2021 我哋行咗,好靚風景,謝謝清楚指示路線 (2021-10-23)
嘩!觀星台有多雜草。 (Tim Sir 2021-10-23)
Ableelee :我一月走麥徑時時見到工人們在搭建樓梯, 現在從你51號相片得知原來是一個自助拍攝台。😀 (2021-05-08)
Yes! 😉 (Tim Sir 2021-05-08)
Cat Ho :Tim Sir 你好
(Tim Sir 2021-05-01)
您好,非常感謝您這個行程,我們一家四口(9歲和6歲)完全跟足指示而行,非常清楚,感謝曬🙏🏼。我們停咗很多次影相和休息,昂坪又玩了一會兒,到終點時已經行咗5小時了😅。這路程非常適合自駕人士,車泊西貢,坐巴士到水浪窩起步,終點走回西貢有餐廳用餐補充體力。 而且終點入村也有公厠和士多買水,行程一流!👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
p.s. 我是為了這個山連山的景,挑戰自己由企嶺下行咗2小時上山😅)
好開心的一天 Family Day,一家人行,慢慢輕鬆走,最緊要enjoy!😍
(Tim Sir 2021-04-12)

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詩篇 121:6-7 和修版