
God Eagle Rock
Kung Um Shan

God Eagle Rock, Kung Um Shan, Hung Shui Hang Reservoir Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 75,089     (Last Updated︰2021-07-09)
 Map 「God Eagle Rock, Kung Um Shan Hung Shui Hang Reservoir」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 7.2km
Estimate : 4hours
Ascent : 356m  Descent : 346m  Max : 336m  Min : 8m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 356mDescent : 346m
Max : 336mMin : 8m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 70%
Road 15%
Gravel 15%
Slope :
Ascent 356m (51%)
Descent 346m (49%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Minibus Taxi 
 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


11︰and then follow Hung Shui Hang to the upper reaches.
To the starting point, you can take the Light Rail to Chung Uk Tsuen and get off.
To the starting point, you can take the Light Rail to Chung Uk Tsuen and get off.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
15︰Standing on the Main Dam to see the scenery
Standing on the Main Dam to see the scenery
Standing on the Main Dam to see the scenery


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
30︰When approaching God Eagle Rock, keep to the left
First, keep to the right at the first bifurcation,
First, keep to the right at the first bifurcation,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
After visiting God Eagle Rock, can turn back on the same road or continue forward,
After visiting God Eagle Rock, can turn back on the same road or continue forward,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
48︰Falling is actually not that serious, but of course it should not be taken lightly.
The trail is really terrifying, seems quite easy to slip.
The trail is really terrifying, seems quite easy to slip.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
56︰The top of Kung Um Shan has a very open scenery, can almost get a bird's eye view of the entire North of New Territories,
The top of Kung Um Shan has a very open scenery, can almost get a bird's eye view of the entire North of New Territories,
The top of Kung Um Shan has a very open scenery, can almost get a bird's eye view of the entire North of New Territories,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【God Eagle Rock . Kung Um Shan . Hung Shui Hang Reservoir】Hong Kong Hiking Map

RoadBoy :
Hi Tim Sir, 圖8橋底處因工程關係已封路,可右轉達福路到順達街往圖10位置。😀 (2024-03-30)
謝謝你的資訊,大家都留意留意! (Tim Sir 2024-04-03)
Rin1975 :惡狗都有出黎吠,我已走了下去. (2023-10-31)
GOOD! 走得快,好世界。 (Tim Sir 2023-11-01)
Rin1975 :
昨天行了,全程路況原始,雖然山頂很跣,但很好行,視野一望無際,唯一是禪師寺個環境真是慘不忍睹,樓梯有便溺,扶手欄杆隔離儘是垃圾膠袋水樽,只見寺附近有個尼姑在砍伐樹木,急速行過不想入內,想信這間不是真的寺院. (2023-10-30)
你很好彩,沒有惡狗找你。 (Tim Sir 2023-10-31)
Cronus :大半年沒有行山, 今日打算輕鬆一點, 跟 Tim sir 這條路線走一轉, 行程一切順利 ------ 直至落山行至公庵寺, 忽然跑出一隻沒縛沒欄的惡狗攔路, 甚至衝過來作勢咬人, 最後約1k的路實在無法過去, 結果只好又走回公庵山經洪水坑水塘, 再行去泥圍輕鐵站離去。預計約7k的路, 結果走了超過10k🥹 (2023-10-14)
已經聽到好多山友講多個位置的惡犬問題,如果不是一班人的,回頭可能是最理想的方法。若只是一隻狗,有遮的話,可打開,遮住隻狗,甚至頂住隻狗,都可通過。但如一群就不行。 (Tim Sir 2023-10-14)
Nire :
今日由黃泥墩神仙轍那邊上山去公庵山,再由公庵寺下山。後半路段遇上幾次越野單車隊經過,沙䴤滾滾,山路也玩到很爛很斜ㄡ跣,真係仿如行緊杯靈雙渡咁! (2023-03-12)
爛過杯靈 (Tim Sir 2023-03-13)
Chi Ming :今天行過,上山和下山都遇到惡狗攔路.禪師寺後面個環境都好惡劣下. (2020-08-07)
禪師寺後一向都是垃圾崗,不明白她們可以忍受到自己後園如堆田區。 (Tim Sir 2020-08-07)

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以弗所書 4:2