
Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path
Tai Tam Mound

Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path, Tai Tam Mound  Login can add to my Favorite

 Total Views: 100,187     (Last Updated︰2022-01-22)
 Map 「Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path, Tai Tam Mound」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :

(Tai Tam Mound)
Path :
Length : 8.8km
Time : 3hours
Ascent : 202m  Descent : 344m  Max : 248m  Min : 46m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 202mDescent : 344m
Max : 248mMin : 46m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 80%
Road 20%
Slope :
Ascent 202m (37%)
Descent 344m (63%)
Sunlight :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi 
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6︰and the behind is Wong Nai Chung Reservoir.
get off at Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park, then step up the stairs,
get off at Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park, then step up the stairs,


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This route will go on Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path, so head towards Tsin Shui Wan Au.
This route will go on Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path, so head towards Tsin Shui Wan Au.


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22︰In an instance, leave the catchwater
When seeing Repulse Bay The Lily, already on the edge of Repulse Bay.
When seeing Repulse Bay The Lily, already on the edge of Repulse Bay.


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
35︰and then cross the Tsz Kong Bridge.
Turning left is to the top of Violet Hill,
Turning left is to the top of Violet Hill,


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39︰passing by The Twins Stream No.4,
The trail is a rugged gravel mud trail,
The trail is a rugged gravel mud trail,


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50︰The other end of the dam is not able to pass.
Go straight to the end,
Go straight to the end,


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67︰Walking all the way to the end, will see Tam Mound Falls. The water pool is within the range of the reservoir, swimming and splashing are prohibited.
Walk along a small sloping road,
Walk along a small sloping road,


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80︰The open place at the end is the top of Tai Tam Mound, where the scenery is completely obscured by big trees. The most eye-catching is the red brick ancient pillar on the ground.
After visiting Tam Mound Falls, turn back to the wooden bridge at the entrance
After visiting Tam Mound Falls, turn back to the wooden bridge at the entrance


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Back on the same road,
Back on the same road,


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2025 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path . Tai Tam Mound】Hiking Route Map

P.H.SO :
Tim Sir,您好,今日我去搵第五個紅磚標高柱,結果畀我搵到,地點在大潭崗北面,在圖60 不轉入港島徑,行前少少轉入柏架山道,行到避車處留意對面有荒徑上山方向行就搵到。 (2024-05-25)
犀利!謝謝資訊! (Tim Sir 2024-05-29)
Wong Winnie :
謝謝Tim Sir網站詳盡介紹,睇埋留言,過大潭崗紅磚柱後向前100米下降40米到水塘打卡位好開揚!有探險feel夠過癮;路胚算清晰又有絲帶,只係兩旁植物略高,值得去😬 (2024-04-17)
NICE! 有留意留言!GOOD!😄 (Tim Sir 2024-04-18)
家政Ka Ching :Tim Sir 您好, 請問圖25和26之間的藍色山徑是否易行及可由此到淺水灣提早退出路線? 此路需時約多久? 謝謝 (2023-01-01)
唔清楚,新的,未見過。 (Tim Sir 2023-01-02)
Sofielia :
謝謝Tim Sir好介紹,原來大潭水塘除了大路外仲有得闖蕩一下。我還看了各位師兄師姐的留言,果然在紅磚柱後幾十米有個開揚的位置可觀看水塘景色,實在滿足。 (2022-01-12)
真的非常開揚!有機會路過會再去,親身體驗一下。😀 (Tim Sir 2022-01-13)
RoadBoy :
Hi Tim Sir,
今次第二次去試闖大潭崗終於成功了。第一次去的時候,由於一路都找不到大潭崗入口。到找到的時候已經入黑了,就決定撤退。下次再來。畢竟山常在。第二次去終於享受了一段冒險之旅。亦覺得上次撤退了相當 "好彩" 。原因是路程不短, 來回用了三十五分鐘,比想像中多。摸黑闖入會相當危險. 

謝謝相片提供,大潭崗的入口是圖73,路程其實算是短的了,可能是你不善於入林,所以才比較短。快慢不要緊,最緊要開心滿足回來! (Tim Sir 2021-08-31)
KK Wong :
上星期六好輕奮,終於去到大潭崗山頂,第一見到紅磚標高柱,感謝TimSir詳盡介紹。 (2021-01-18)
大潭崗其實好多人都想去,但地圖又沒有路線,所以就變得好神秘。 (Tim Sir 2021-01-18)
Yakman :大潭崗在紅磚柱之後再前行幾十米,會有唯一的開陽位置, 在此看大潭水塘的風景是不錯的 (2021-01-13)
謝謝你的回報! (Tim Sir 2021-01-13)
Andy :您好,文中提及的標距柱的英文字母應該是H,是港島徑6段的部分 (並非衛徑)。 (2021-01-13)
謝謝你,已修改。你可申請成為會員,以後就可在「我的郵箱」看到回覆。 (Tim Sir 2021-01-13)
Yeeman :請問荒徑大約要走多久?謝謝! (2021-01-13)
由路口行到去大潭崗,相片時間顯示是15分鐘,來回則半小時。 (Tim Sir 2021-01-13)

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The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Numbers 6:26