
Mount Kellett
Mount Gough
Victoria Peak

Mount Kellett, Mount Gough, Victoria Peak  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Mount Kellett, Mount Gough, Victoria Peak」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :

(not visit Trigonometrical Station)
Path :
Length : 8km
Estimate : 2½hours
Ascent : 237m  Descent : 263m  Max : 543m  Min : 396m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 237mDescent : 263m
Max : 543mMin : 396m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Road 95%
Jungle 5%
Slope :
Ascent 237m (47%)
Descent 263m (53%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi Tram 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Minibus Taxi Tram 
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9︰and pay attention to the barren trail on the left.
First, take bus 15 from Central or Admiralty to the Peak and get off at Mount Kellett Road.
First, take bus 15 from Central or Admiralty to the Peak and get off at Mount Kellett Road.


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16︰To Trigonometrical Station, although it is not the top of the mountain, can overlook the entire Mount Kellett mansions at close range.
After going up to the top, walk along the barbed wire to the left,
After going up to the top, walk along the barbed wire to the left,


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21︰The scenery is not much different from the Trigonometrical Station.
When reaching the top of the mountain, there is a flat ground, behind which is a Radio Station belonging to the ICAC.
When reaching the top of the mountain, there is a flat ground, behind which is a Radio Station belonging to the ICAC.


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After 10 minutes of walking, will come to Matilda International Hospital,
After 10 minutes of walking, will come to Matilda International Hospital,


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46︰it should be the top of Mount Gough, because the real top is in the mansion.
After the slope, come to the first fork,
After the slope, come to the first fork,


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After visiting Mount Gough, turn back along the steps,
After visiting Mount Gough, turn back along the steps,


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57︰which is exactly where Peak Tower is located.
Cross the Peak Galleria
Cross the Peak Galleria


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71︰The scenery of the Service Reservoir is very vast,
Walk for about 1 more minute,
Walk for about 1 more minute,


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Because there are too many Radio Stations, it is not advisable to stay for a long time. After visiting the old Trigonometrical Station of Victoria Peak, leave as soon as possible.
Because there are too many Radio Stations, it is not advisable to stay for a long time. After visiting the old Trigonometrical Station of Victoria Peak, leave as soon as possible.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Mount Kellett . Mount Gough . Victoria Peak】Hong Kong Hiking Map

Markk :
Tim sir, 雖然上山頂小徑被圍封,不過沿鐵絲網再行前一些,便會找到一個小缺口,小心一點便可「捐」過,接回原本小徑上山頂。另外,小弟今次由港島徑上奇力山南脊到明德醫院再經加列山道上奇力山山頂,奇力山南脊路線清晰,並無岔路,差不多到醫院時還有一個戰時遺跡(應該係一個觀察台之類)。不過到頂位置是醫院私人地方,要儘快行出路口離開。 (2023-03-13)
私人地方問題,所以從來沒寫出來。 (Tim Sir 2023-03-13)
西米露 :圖13所見的小徑被鐵絲網圍封 (2023-02-01)
山頂平台現在已經去不了😔 (Tim Sir 2023-02-02)
西米露 :落奇力山標高柱的小徑有分叉路,要行左邊的小徑(會見到絲帶),右邊小徑好似直落豪宅群 (2023-02-01)
落奇力山標高柱條路都幾斜,大家小心一點呀!😍 (Tim Sir 2023-02-02)
hermansung :
報告: 圖13右邊小徑被網圍封,網底並無固定在地下 (附圖攝於網內,紅線往標高柱、白線往奇力山) (2022-11-14)
大家留意,想到此一遊的,執山!😉 (Tim Sir 2022-11-14)
rsschan :你好, [77/80]你說"不宜久留", 是不是有點風險呢(可能輻射)? (2022-06-17)
正是,因為有幾十支天線在附近,到此一遊就盡速離開啦。 (Tim Sir 2022-06-17)

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