
Lo Yan Shan
Miu Tsai Tun
Lung Mei

 Lo Yan Shan, Miu Tsai Tun, Lung Mei  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Lo Yan Shan, Miu Tsai Tun, Lung Mei」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 13.2km
Estimate : 6hours
Ascent : 461m  Descent : 457m  Max : 289m  Min : 0m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 461mDescent : 457m
Max : 289mMin : 0m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Trail 70%
Stairs 15%
Road 15%
Slope :
Ascent 461m (50%)
Descent 457m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
Bus Taxi 
Support :
End Point :
Bus Taxi Ferry 
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First go to Pui O, Lantau Island, take the Lantau Bus 3M from Tung Chung to Mui Wo, and get off at Law Uk Village.
First go to Pui O, Lantau Island, take the Lantau Bus 3M from Tung Chung to Mui Wo, and get off at Law Uk Village.


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After playing on the beach for a while, continue walking up,
After playing on the beach for a while, continue walking up,


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Go up the mountain from the middle to Lung Mei and Lo Yan Shan.
Go up the mountain from the middle to Lung Mei and Lo Yan Shan.


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55︰Miu Tsai Tun is 302 meters high, you can clearly see Sap Long at the bottom of the mountain,
Miu Tsai Tun is 302 meters high, you can clearly see Sap Long at the bottom of the mountain,
Miu Tsai Tun is 302 meters high, you can clearly see Sap Long at the bottom of the mountain,


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79︰Lo Yan Shan is 303 meters high. Fire Lookout is marked with signs from South 1 to 14; West 1 to 16;
Lo Yan Shan is 303 meters high. Fire Lookout is marked with signs from South 1 to 14; West 1 to 16;
Lo Yan Shan is 303 meters high. Fire Lookout is marked with signs from South 1 to 14; West 1 to 16;


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100︰After walking for about half an hour, we came to the six-forked intersection of Lung Mei.
After walking for about half an hour, we came to the six-forked intersection of Lung Mei.
After walking for about half an hour, we came to the six-forked intersection of Lung Mei.


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124︰The capacity of the Sap Long Irrigation Reservoir is 130,000 cubic meters. It looks like a giant squid from the sky view.
The capacity of the Sap Long Irrigation Reservoir is 130,000 cubic meters. It looks like a giant squid from the sky view.
The capacity of the Sap Long Irrigation Reservoir is 130,000 cubic meters. It looks like a giant squid from the sky view.


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Next, leave Sap Long
Next, leave Sap Long


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Go to a very old-fashioned material, Shui Tseng Wan, all houses are made of stone, as entering a primitive world.
Go to a very old-fashioned material, Shui Tseng Wan, all houses are made of stone, as entering a primitive world.


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There is a Mountain Bike Trail along the way,
There is a Mountain Bike Trail along the way,


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TimHiking【Lo Yan Shan . Miu Tsai Tun . Lung Mei】Hong Kong Hiking Map

Markk :
Tim sir, 昨天帶同幾位朋友再上老人山,上次到訪已是2018年。路線仍然依舊,大級大級上,然後再一大跟一小上落,天氣太潮濕又冇乜風,要行下抖下。老人西崖在航拍下十分壯麗。到十塱時見到一大羣水牛,希望下次來仍然可見到牠們吧。 (2023-12-10)
ENJOY! (Tim Sir 2023-12-12)

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以賽亞書 40:29 和修版