
Shenzhen Dadingling
GuangMing Threee Bridges
Rainbow Bridge

 Shenzhen Dadingling, GuangMing Threee Bridges, Rainbow Bridge  Login can add to my Favorite

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 Map 「Shenzhen Dadingling, GuangMing Threee Bridges, Rainbow Bridge」路線Map
View :
Difficulty :
Path :
Length : 9.9km
Estimate : 4½hours
Ascent : 265m  Descent : 270m  Max : 169m  Min : 22m<br><p class='smallfont'>The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m

Ascent : 265mDescent : 270m
Max : 169mMin : 22m
(The accuracy of elevation is +/-30m)  
Section :
Road 100%
Slope :
Ascent 265m (50%)
Descent 270m (50%)
Exposure :
Climb :
Start Point :
港鐵 Bus Taxi 
Support :
  Self-service Vending Machine
End Point :
港鐵 Bus Taxi 
 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 After arriving at GuangMing Street Station,
After arriving at GuangMing Street Station,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
The entrance of Dadingling Greenway is very obvious.
The entrance of Dadingling Greenway is very obvious.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
Go out along the railing, and you can walk out of the Floating Bridge.
Go out along the railing, and you can walk out of the Floating Bridge.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
There is a large bulletin board at the exit of the Floating Bridge, with
There is a large bulletin board at the exit of the Floating Bridge, with


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
On the Dadingling Greenway guide map, the location of the third bridges, the approximate time required, and the location of multiple toilets are marked.
On the Dadingling Greenway guide map, the location of the third bridges, the approximate time required, and the location of multiple toilets are marked.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
As shown in the guide map, you will see another large toilet after a few steps.
As shown in the guide map, you will see another large toilet after a few steps.


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
On the ground, you can see the sign of the Hanging Bridge,
On the ground, you can see the sign of the Hanging Bridge,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
Embracing the long journey of the Rainbow Bridge,
Embracing the long journey of the Rainbow Bridge,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
The position near the middle section can not only reflect the coming section of the bridge
The position near the middle section can not only reflect the coming section of the bridge


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com
Step on the last section of Rainbow Bridge,
Step on the last section of Rainbow Bridge,


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com


 ©2024 一起行山闖蕩去 TimHiking.com

TimHiking【Shenzhen Dadingling . GuangMing Threee Bridges . Rainbow Bridge】Hong Kong Hiking Map

Kevin ng :請問我下載了手錶GPS,怎樣放入金錶中用🙏🏻 (2024-06-14)
你看番你手錶說明書, 這我幫不了你. (Tim Sir 2024-06-14)
auchi :
Update: 2024-01-01: 由虹橋直達懸橋的路仍然封閉,要山體維護,如果想行懸橋,要由虹橋中段位置落去 『滇咖啡』 店,然後在旁邊上山路就可以去到懸橋入口,行完懸橋可以落斜坡去返『滇咖啡』旁,不走回頭路,然後行虹橋底一段路,再搭電梯上虹橋。另外,探橋繩網只供6-15歲兒童攀爬,如果成年人嘗試攀爬,有工作人員會用大聲公提醒不能使用 (昨天我被提醒了),敬請留意。 (2024-01-02)
謝謝資訊! (Tim Sir 2024-01-02)
RingoPC :
Tim Sir, 您好,看到通告說森林消防通道K4-K6 段封閉了。是否不能在懸橋前往紅橋公園? (2023-10-04)
那應該是全通了,消防通道應該是橋底條路,跟橋面是並排的。探橋和懸橋還封閉中。 (Tim Sir 2023-10-05)
Alan Hu :請問在地鐵站開始租用共享單車,可完成您的整段路程嗎? 謝謝 (2023-08-28)
不建議共享單車,都有不少斜路,太辛苦了。 (Tim Sir 2023-08-28)
wlchow99 :我都想試嚇大陸行山,但可能需要行山杖⋯⋯
是自用一定沒問題,一個道理,大把老人家杖住過關。 (Tim Sir 2023-08-03)
philipwong :請問65歲要門票嗎 (2023-06-14)
免費入園 (Tim Sir 2023-06-15)
Chi Ming :
多謝Tim Sir好介紹,唯一美中不足係離開地點附近沒有出名的光明乳鴿食,反而起步點光明滑草場有一間😅 (2023-06-12)
食左先起步!😉 (Tim Sir 2023-06-13)

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馬可福音 13:37 和修版