Hiking Route Map

HK Viewpoint Map

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalms 119:105)

Welcome to TimHiking

  Hong Kong actually has a lot of beautiful scenery, and it may be just behind your home. You don't need to take a few hours of flying there, just take the MTR, buses, and minibuses to get there at any time. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and experience the wonders and mysteries of nature created by God.

   TimHiking is the first searchable and classified hiking website in Hong Kong. It was founded by TimSir in 2017. He walks on different mountain severy week and describes each route in details. So that, everyone knows how to go hiking after reading it. While enjoying the nature, they can also hike safely. At present, the website has accumulated more than four hundred routes including basic, ordinary and difficult routes. You must always have a humble heart when climbing. Mountains are impossible to conquer. You can only experience and enjoy them with your heart.

   TimHiking will always give you positive energy! In addition to helping bring you to hike, the second important point is to bring you back. I hope that TimSir's little effort can make you to have a safely hiking and enjoy the nature. Let's go hiking together!

 Hiking Route Finder

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So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Psalms 90:12

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He gives strength to those who grow tired and increases the strength of those who are weak.

Isaiah‬ ‭40:29 GW

 Today's History

You, O Lord, will be my light; by you, my God, the dark will be made bright for me.

Psalms 18:28 BBE

 Random Routes

And our hope of you is stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.

2 Corinthians 1:7

 Random Message Board


KIT KO︰多謝TIM SIR詳盡介紹,今日去了,感覺是:勁!爆!👍👍

謝謝分享!其實去了那裏呢?😚  (2021-03-07)

Glo Glo︰謝謝你既分享!期待行山時見到你,親口同你講聲多謝!

非常期待遇見你們每一個!  (2020-03-24)


原則上是5星  (2023-05-01)

Edward︰Merry Christmas! 🎄😊

🎄 聖誕快樂!🎄  (2021-12-26)

Sunny Hiker︰不知不覺已經去左超過320座山, 其中好多都係自己1個人跟住你路線而行. 仲有企頭角頂, 疊石頂同金山尾未行. 如果沒有你呢個出色行山網站, 我真係冇信心去行每一座山. Thank you So much, Tim

繼續開心上山,安全落山!將一起行山闖蕩去的行山精神傳揚出去。  (2022-04-29)

Kitty Ding︰下午愉快☕️!謝謝友友的明確路線,有你真好!

謝謝支持!能幫到山友,心感非常愉快!  (2018-09-05)