Hong Kong Hiking Map

Hong Kong Viewpoint Map

不要自以為有智慧;要敬畏耶和華,遠離惡事。 (箴言 3:7)

Welcome to TimHiking

  Hong Kong actually has a lot of beautiful scenery, and it may be just behind your home. You don't need to take a few hours of flying there, just take the MTR, buses, and minibuses to get there at any time. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and experience the wonders and mysteries of nature created by God.

   TimHiking is the first searchable and classified hiking website in Hong Kong. It was founded by TimSir in 2017. He walks on different mountain severy week and describes each route in details. So that, everyone knows how to go hiking after reading it. While enjoying the nature, they can also hike safely. At present, the website has accumulated more than four hundred routes including basic, ordinary and difficult routes. You must always have a humble heart when climbing. Mountains are impossible to conquer. You can only experience and enjoy them with your heart.

   TimHiking will always give you positive energy! In addition to helping bring you to hike, the second important point is to bring you back. I hope that TimSir's little effort can make you to have a safely hiking and enjoy the nature. Let's go hiking together!

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詩篇 16:11 和修版

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以賽亞書 40:29 和修版

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Fanny Pang︰感謝谷主!我有跟着路線走的,支持支持!

謝謝你的支持!  (2019-10-19)

altezza︰Thank you very much Tim, keep up the good work.

Let's enjoy hiking!😍  (2021-05-19)

Fan Ng︰感恩撰寫人的細心、詳盡描述。贊!

謝謝你!有甚麼不明白之處可隨時查詢。  (2019-02-28)

Iris Ho︰感恩有你同行與無私分享,除了推廣行山活動外亦發放正能量,給予網友清泉與綠蔭,加油!冇限支持!

多謝妳的支持!妳也付出了不少呀!謝謝妳!  (2018-06-05)


Enjoy!  (2021-02-07)

Kl︰一起行山的FB 又被惡搞了,不斷出現色情短片,很痛心

沒辦法!數百人不斷投訴,facebook也沒處理。  (2024-08-16)